BECV is an online exhibition composing of the results of the artists’ thinking and accomplishment in their respective environment, while all non-essential and non-urgent activities are restricted. The website is linked to the real-time data on the number of infected people, and the exhibition will continue until Japan meets the condition to lift the restriction (zero new infection for 28 days*). The entrance to the exhibition (Enter) corresponds to a graph showing the change in the number of new infections over 28 days. The entrance becomes smaller as the number of infections decreases, and when the entrance disappears, it indicates the end of the exhibition. The exhibition mainly consists of works created after April 2020 and will be updated irregularly with works created by various artists. This exhibition was launched in May 2020 by artists and engineers in Tokyo who had lost the opportunities to showcase their works due to COVID-19. The name of this exhibition originates from an internet slang meaning “By the effect of Coronavirus”.

* Based on the criteria of “no new cases over a duration twice the incubation period”, which has been adopted by WHO in order to signify the end of SARS and Ebola virus disease in an area. The calculated incubation period of COVID-19 is 14 days.

Exhibition planning: Tomoya Ishibashi, Kento Niikura, and Ryuji Yoshida